Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hanging Gardens - Climbing Upwards

The Hanging Gardens need to have some vertical height to them; sure, a large, flat structure that takes up 134x134 is kind of cool, but a tall multi-tiered structure that is 134x134x30 is way more impressive. So, we've begun work on the walls to the second tier. This tier is taller than the first and will have some medium width walkways, and maybe some grass strips for greenery and waterways.

An aerial view of the northwest corner of the structure. The 2nd tier wall stands taller than the lower section, and is differentiated by ribs, flush against the wall, rather than freestanding pillars. We're hoping to cap the ribs with Lapis Lazuli or Diamond blocks at some point

A view of the gardens at night. It is starting to look good, and it will look even better once we get trees and rivers/waterfalls tied in

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